See descriptions, times/days, required materials, prerequisite knowledge, and at-home work. The strength of our program relies on our families making careful decisions on which classes are a best fit for their students.
It's a Partnership
The Arbor delivers hands-on, interactive, and deep learning experiences for our students, and our families take on the responsibility of determining whether a class would be a good fit for their student's academic journey.
How do I find the best classes for my student?
The Arbor offers classes that cover a variety of topics at various levels, and the best way to ensure good academic fit is to carefully review:
*class descriptions & grade *required prior knowledge/skills *at-home work requirements
Need Advising?
Schedule a 15-minute pre-registration advising meeting! Email [email protected] with your name, phone number, student name(s), & grade(s), and your best availability between Tuesday-Thursday, 9am-1pm.
Families enrolled with charters for which we are a vendor for may register in advance of placing charter POs. Please coordinate with your charter as soon as possible to ensure that charter POs are submitted by the due dates below:
Spring 2024 POs Due: December 8th
4. Review the Arbor Student Code of Conduct & Arbor Family Responsibilities